Esther, an ordinary Jewish girl whom God used to to extraordinary things.
Sarah Palin, an ordinary mom whom God had called at an extraordinary time.
Xerxes had been celebrating, feasting, drinking, and showing off for more than 180 days. To impress his drunk friends he commanded his wife, Queen Vashti, to come into their presence to let the drunk men to enjoy her beauty. She refused. He was furious and his officials told him to ban her from the palace forever.
Xerxes anger faded and the search for a new queen began. He ordered for all the beautiful, pure, young women of his kingdom to "audition" to be his next queen.
Esther, an orphan adopted by her uncle Mordecai, was one of many young women to be chosen to "audition" to be Queen. Instantly she found favor with Hegai, the king's Eunuch in charge of the harem. He was so impressed by her that he gave her a special menu, beauty treatments, seven of the best maids in the palace and moved her and her maids into the most exquisite quarters in the Harem. Finally, Xerxes met her, loved her and was so delighted with her that he placed the royal crown on her head and named her Esther, Queen of Persia.
Sarah Palin, an ordinary woman, mom, sister, daughter, and friend, quickly found favor with the people, became president of PTA, then Mayor of her town, and most recently Governor of Alaska. Now because of her giftedness, character and values, she has been chosen to be McCain's vice presidential running mate. Once the news was announced she instantly won the favor of the Republican party, reviving us, giving us hope once again.
The Lord rose both unlikely women to a position of prominence and high esteem in a very short time.
Now Xexes promoted a man named Haman to be the most powerful official in the empire. Haman hated Mordecai, Esther's uncle, because he refused to bow down to him. This enraged Haman so much that he planned to kill not just Mordecai, but all of the Jews. He deceived the king and issued a decree that stated that on March 7 all Jews - men, women, and children would be killed, slaughtered and annihilated. This decree left the Jews defenseless.
A decree was issued in America as well, it was called Roe v/s Wade, allowing the slaughter of millions of innocent lives. A decree that leaves the helpless without a voice and defenseless in the face of death. Many have tried to be their voice to protect these silent ones. Thankfully some have been saved but the slaughter of millions still continues every year.
Mordicai sent word to his cousin Esther about Hamman's plan. He told her that it was "FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS" that she was raised to the position of queen. She was their only hope. She new that to approach the king without an invitation was risking her own life. If the king did not allow her to approach his throne she would be put to death.. so she called on all of the Jews to pray and fast just as she would. She determined that if she were to die, so be it.
I believe that the Lord has raised Sarah Palin "FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS". To be a living testimony of the blessings and joys of choosing life and to be the voice that can make a difference for all the millions off little ones that are silently waiting, unsuspecting their certain death in the days, weeks months, and years to come. So let's pray for Sarah that God will protect her from the wicked schemes of the left, that He would raise her to the position of vice president and that she would have the courage of Esther to raise her voice in such a time as this.
Esther went to the king without an invitation. He accepted her and with great patience, courage and wisdom, she spoke the truth and pleaded for the lives of the helpless, the Jews. The kings eyes were opened to the truth, her people were saved, the evil plans of Haman ceased and Haman received the very death that he plotted for Mordecai.
Sarah Palin, You are our Esther! Be bold and courageous. We are praying for you!
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